2019년 한국동물유전육종학회 동계워크숍

2018-12-12 14:22
□ 행사명 : 2019년 한국동물유전육종학회 동계워크숍

□ 주제 및 강사 :

  • 강좌 1. Linear model for the prediction of animal breeding value (Dr. Raphael Mrode (ILRI)) 

  • 강좌 2. Understanding animal breeding (Dr. Sang-Hyon Oh(University of Maryland Easter Shore, USA))

□ 날짜 : 2019.02.20.(수) ~ 2019.02.23.(토) 3박 4일

  • 등록 : 2월 20일(수) 08:30~09:00

  • 강의 : 2월 20일(수) ~ 2월 22(금) 09:00~17:00

  • 기념촬영 및 수료증 배부 : 2월 23일(토) 11:00~11:30

□ 장소 : 충남대학교

  •  강의 : 충남대학교 정보통신원

  •  수료증수여 : 충남대학교 농업생명과학대학 2202, 2320 강의실

□ 등록비 : 30만원(아래의 2가지 방법 중 선택하셔서 등록비를 납부해주시기 바랍니다.)

사전등록 : 2019년 2월 15일까지

2019년도 워크숍부터는 사전등록을 원칙으로 하므로 현장등록은 받지 않을 예정입니다.

□ 준비물 : 노트북

□ 세부일정

1. 강의 1 : Linear model for the prediction of animal breeding value(Dr. Raphael Mrode)
Date Chapter
Day 1 1.Introduction to mixed linear models
2. BLUP methodology for genetic evaluation
(i)Sire and Animal model
Day 2 3. BLUP methodology for genetic evaluation
(i)Models with more than one random models
(ii)Multi-trait models4. Test day models
(i)Fixed regression, random regression models
Day 3 4. Genomic selection
(i)SNP-BLUP, GBLUP6. Genomic selection
(i)Single step
Day 4 5. Genomic selection
2. 강의 2 : Understanding animal breeding (Dr. Sang-Hyon Oh)
Date Chapter
Day 1 Ⅰ.Animal Breeding From the Top Down
1. What is the “Best” animal?
2. How are animal populations improved?Ⅱ. Animal Breeding From the Bottom Up
3. Mendelian inheritance
4. Gens in populations
5. Simply-inherited and polygenetic traits
Day 2 Ⅲ. Selection
6. Selection for simply-inherited traits
7. The genetic model for quantitative traits
8. Statistics and their application to quantitative traits
9. Heritability and repeatability
10. Factors affecting the rate of genetic change
11. Genetic prediction
12. Large-scale genetic evaluation
13. Correlated response to selection
14. Multiple-trait selectionⅣ. Mating Systems
15. Selection for simple-inherited traits
16. Mating strategies based on animal performance : Random and assortative mating
Day 3
Day 4 17. Mating strategies based on pedigree relationship : Inbreeding and outbreeding
18. Hybrid vigor
19. Crossbreeding systemⅤ. New Techniques, Old Strategies
20. Biotechnology and animal breeding
21. Commonsense animal breeding

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